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Cloudders Health Check operator supports custom resource definition called HealthCheck. Its used to create uptime/health checks against external and internal services.

The current supported protocol is only HTTP(S). More will come with future releasases.

Example HTTP health check

In the below example we will create a simple HealthCheck that searches for a string on this documentation page:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: HealthCheck
name: cloudders-docs-configuration
testInterval: 60
url: ""
string: "on this documentation page"

Example TCP health check

In the below example we will create a simple HealthCheck that probes TCP service on port 8080:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: HealthCheck
name: service-8080
testInterval: 60
ipv4: ""
port: 8080

After the HealthCheck is applied with kubectl we can see the results with the following command:

kubectl get healthchecks

And the command will print the current running HealthCheck resources in the namespace:

NAMESPACE   NAME                           URL                                                         TEST INTERVAL   LAST CHECKED           HEALTHY   RESPONSE TIME   SEARCH TYPE   SEARCH FOR
cloudders cloudders-docs-configuration 60 2023-07-14T07:14:46Z true 234ms string on this documentation page

The HealthCheck also supports SSL certificate expiration monitoring when used against https targets. Check the Fields section for configuration details.


Below is a table of all fields supported by the HealthCheck CRD under spec:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
http/tcpSectionhttp: or tcp:Type of the HealthCheck which we are creating. The CRD supports TCP and HTTP health checks with the relevant fields.
url:String for http:https://cloudders.comDestination URL against which we run our HealthCheck. It supports http and https schema for now. You can use external and internal URLs like the one in the example, or like for internally exposed Kubernetes service:
testInterval:Integer60Value in seconds. testIntervals lower than 30 seconds can cause the HealthCheck to be rate limited from the destination service.
sslCheck:Section for http:Under this Section we set our search expiration value in days
expiration:Integer for http:10Monitor for SSL certificate expiration in days
searchFor:Section for http:Under this Section we set our search expressions or strings
string:String for http:operatorSimple string value which we search for in the response body
expression:String for http:\w{1}perato\w{1}Fully compatible PCRE regular expression for matching output in the response body
ipv4:String for tcp: or FQDNYour IPv4 address or FQDN hostname.
port:Integer8080Port which we are going to probe against. It should be not open and not filtered.